Coffee has been used for centuries as a mental stimulant and as a foodstuff.
However, its properties also make it particularly suitable for natural cosmetics.
Indeed, coffee - and in particular caffeine - has strong draining and antioxidant powers, as well as being a powerful vasoconstrictor. For these reasons it can be used in skin care and anti-ageing products.
For our natural cosmetics we use organic and fair-trade coffee from Mexico, specifically from a small cooperative called Ssit Lequil Lum - "Fruit of Mother Earth" in the indigenous Tzeltal language - located in Chiapas, one of the poorest countries in south-eastern Mexico.
The cooperative was founded in 2003 with the aim of producing quality coffee and selling it through alternative economy circuits.
Since its inception it has been supported by the Tatawelo Association, which accompanied its establishment by financing the construction of an office and a small shop, and promoting training courses on organic farming.
The cooperative is made up of around 500 families belonging to the Zapatista movement, which since 1994 has been claiming the right to land, education, health, food and self-determination for indigenous peoples.
We can use this organic coffee for our natural cosmetics thanks to Liberomondo, which manages the import in our country.
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